ADIVI Hypervideos - VANMOOF - computer bicycles

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VANMOOF Hypervideo - commuter bicycles

More than half of the world’s population lives in city centres. This is putting an increasingly heavy burden on traditional means of inner city transport. We believe this asks for a new and fresh approach to inner city mobility. We are a young ambitious Dutch company that originated out of love for bicycles and hunger for change.

At VANMOOF we pursue only one goal: help the ambitious city dweller worldwide move around town fast, confident and in style. We stripped the traditional Dutch bike from redundant hoo-ha, that can only break or frustrate, and added sensibility instead. The result? Simplistic striking bikes so smooth that they fit your style demands, yet so functional they make you go to work whistling. The no-nonsense VANMOOF bike is the ultimate urban commuter tool, anywhere around the globe. Be aware cause we shake the unshakable!

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